SwiftUI Label vs Text: Key Differences and When to Use Each

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SwiftUI Label vs Text: Key Differences and When to Use Each

Key Takeaways:

  • Text is ideal for displaying purely textual content, with extensive customization options for fonts, colors, and styles.
  • Label combines text and images, making it perfect for UI elements where an icon is needed alongside text, such as buttons and navigation bars.
  • Text is more lightweight and focused on text-heavy designs, while Label enhances accessibility and clarity by integrating both visual and written elements.
  • Choose Text for text-only content, and Label when a combination of text and image is required.


SwiftUI has revolutionized iOS development by introducing a declarative syntax, simplifying the creation of dynamic user interfaces. Among the core components in SwiftUI, Label and Text are often used to display information to users. Although they may seem similar, they serve distinct purposes in app design.

This article will explore the key differences between SwiftUI Label vs Text, helping you decide which one is more suitable for your project needs.

Overview: SwiftUI Label vs Text


Text is a fundamental view in SwiftUI, designed to display textual information, whether it's static content like a title or dynamic content driven by data. This component is essential for presenting any text, from short labels to paragraphs.


Introduced in iOS 14, the Label view goes beyond just displaying text. It allows developers to combine text with an icon or image, making it a more versatile option when both visual and textual content need to be shown together. This is especially useful in UI elements like buttons, menus, and lists.

Key Differences Between SwiftUI Label and Text:

1. Primary Purpose:

  • Text: This view is ideal when you only need to display written content. It can handle both static and dynamic text and allows for extensive formatting, making it the go-to component for headings, paragraphs, or standalone labels.

  • Label: The primary purpose of a Label is to display a combination of text and an icon or image. It’s perfect for scenarios where the text needs extra context provided by a visual cue, such as in navigation bars, buttons, or toolbars.

2. Use Cases and Application:

  • Text: Use Text when your goal is to display written content without any accompanying images. It is best suited for titles, instructions, descriptions, or larger bodies of text where the focus is entirely on the information being conveyed.

  • Label: Label is more appropriate when you need to pair text with an image. For example, a Label is ideal for navigation items where an icon (like a gear for settings) is placed next to text to improve user understanding.

3. Customization:

  • Text: SwiftUI’s Text view offers a wide range of customization options. You can change the font size, weight, color, and style (bold, italic, etc.), giving you the flexibility to format text exactly how you want. It also supports rich text formatting, making it highly adaptable for any textual content.

  • Label: While you can customize the text in a Label (adjust font, color, etc.), the unique advantage of Label is its ability to integrate an image. The image can be resized and tinted, though it doesn’t offer as much customization as the Text view does in terms of formatting options.

4. Accessibility:

  • Text: The Text view supports accessibility features like Dynamic Type, which automatically adjusts text size based on user preferences. Additionally, it works well with VoiceOver, enabling screen readers to read text content aloud for visually impaired users.

  • Label: One of Label's strengths is that it treats both the text and image as a single accessible element. This improves accessibility because the screen reader reads the icon and text together, providing a seamless user experience for those relying on assistive technology.

5. Performance:

  • Text: As a simple component that only renders text, Text is lightweight and performs slightly better than Label, especially in resource-heavy applications. However, this performance difference is often negligible for most use cases.

  • Label: Since Label handles both text and an image, it requires marginally more resources. While the performance difference is minor, it’s something to consider when building applications that prioritize speed and efficiency.

When to Use SwiftUI Text vs Label?

Choose Text When:

  • You only need to display text, such as for titles, descriptions, or paragraphs.
  • The content involves rich formatting, such as using bold or colored text.
  • You are designing a layout that is text-heavy, such as articles, blog posts, or reports.

Choose Label When:

  • You need to display both text and an image together, such as in buttons or navigation items.
  • Icons and text are used together to enhance the user experience, like in toolbars or side menus.
  • Your design requires visual clarity and context, where an image helps users understand the purpose of the text (e.g., settings icons next to the text “Settings”).

Examples of SwiftUI Label and Text in Use:

Example of Text:

Text("Welcome to SwiftUI") .font(.largeTitle) .foregroundColor(.blue)

In this example, the Text component displays a simple title with custom font size and color.

Example of Label:

Label("Settings", systemImage: "gearshape") .font(.title) .foregroundColor(.primary)

Here, the Label displays a gear icon alongside the word "Settings," which is perfect for a settings menu.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: What is the primary difference between Text and Label in SwiftUI?

Answer: The Text view is used for displaying textual content only, while Label is designed to display both text and an accompanying image in a single view.

Q2: Can I customize the text in both Text and Label views?

Answer: Yes, you can customize the text in both views. However, the Text view offers more detailed formatting options, while Label focuses more on combining text with an image.

Q3: Which one is better for accessibility, Text or Label?

Answer: Both components support accessibility, but Label has the advantage of grouping text and an image into a single accessible element. This makes it easier for screen readers to interpret the content as one unit.

Q4: Is there a performance difference between Text and Label in SwiftUI?

Answer: Text is slightly more lightweight and faster because it only handles text. Label manages both text and images, so it may require more resources, but this performance difference is minimal in most applications.

Q5: When should I use Label over Text in SwiftUI?

Answer: Use Label when you need to combine text with an icon or image for better context. This is ideal for UI elements like buttons, menus, and toolbars where both visual and textual cues are necessary.

Conclusion: Choosing Between SwiftUI Label vs Text

Both Label and Text are essential in SwiftUI development, each serving distinct purposes. If you’re designing a UI that revolves around text content, Text is your best option. On the other hand, when you need a visual cue to accompany your text, such as in buttons or navigation elements, Label is the more appropriate choice.

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