Kindred Red or Blue Buff in TFT: Which One Should You Choose?

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Kindred Red or Blue Buff in TFT: Which One Should You Choose?

Key Takeaways:

  • Red Buff is best when facing teams with heavy healing or needing consistent physical damage output.
  • Blue Buff is ideal for teams that focus on abilities and crowd control, enabling Kindred to cast her abilities more frequently.
  • Always evaluate your team composition and opponents before choosing which buff to equip on Kindred.
  • Flexibility in buff choice can lead to better results as the game progresses.


Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is a strategy-rich game that requires keen decision-making, especially when it comes to itemization. One of the most critical choices players face is whether to equip Kindred with the Red Buff or Blue Buff. Both of these buffs enhance Kindred's capabilities in distinct ways, but choosing the right one depends heavily on your team composition, game state, and overall strategy.

In this article, we'll explore the key differences between the Red and Blue Buffs for Kindred, helping you understand which is the better fit for your game.

What Is Kindred's Role in TFT?

Kindred is a highly versatile champion in TFT, excelling as a backline damage dealer. She plays an important role in both attack and crowd control, contributing to a variety of team compositions, including those built around the Hunter or Spirit traits.

Kindred’s ultimate ability, Lamb's Respite, creates a safe zone that prevents any units from dying for a brief period. However, her basic abilities, such as Dance of Arrows and Wolf’s Frenzy, can drastically impact a battle's outcome, which is why the choice of buffs becomes so critical.

Understanding the Red Buff in TFT:

Red Buff is a powerful item that focuses on enhancing physical damage and applying a burn effect, dealing additional damage over time while reducing healing on enemies.

Key Effects of Red Buff:

  • Applies a burn that deals damage over time for several seconds.
  • Reduces healing received by enemies affected by the burn.
  • Works well against opponents who rely heavily on healing or regeneration.

For Kindred, the Red Buff amplifies basic attacks, making it particularly effective against tanky opponents or comps with high healing capabilities like Redeemed or Soraka-focused compositions.

When to Use Red Buff on Kindred:

  • Against Healing Compositions: If your opponents have champions like Soraka or Syndra that focus on healing and regeneration, Red Buff’s healing reduction is crucial.
  • Physical Damage Boost: When your strategy revolves around enhancing Kindred's basic attack damage and applying sustained pressure on the enemy, Red Buff excels.

Understanding the Blue Buff in TFT:

Blue Buff is designed to empower spellcasting champions by reducing the cooldowns of their abilities and increasing their mana regeneration.

Key Effects of Blue Buff:

  • Reduces the cooldown of Kindred’s abilities.
  • Restores additional mana, allowing Kindred to cast abilities more frequently.
  • Works best with champions that rely on their spells for damage and crowd control.

For Kindred, Blue Buff enhances her spellcasting capabilities, enabling her to frequently cast her abilities such as Dance of Arrows, which improves both damage output and mobility.

When to Use Blue Buff on Kindred:

  • Spell-Casting Focused Teams: If your team relies on ability usage rather than basic attacks, Blue Buff allows Kindred to cast her spells more frequently, adding to your team’s overall burst damage.
  • Fast-Paced Comps: In compositions that demand quick spell usage and consistent crowd control, Blue Buff provides a significant advantage.

Red Buff vs. Blue Buff: Which Should You Choose?

The decision between Red Buff and Blue Buff for Kindred ultimately comes down to your team composition, the match state, and your opponents.

Choose Red Buff If:

  • You’re facing opponents with heavy healing or regeneration.
  • Your strategy is built around increasing physical attack damage.
  • You want Kindred to apply consistent debuffs on enemy champions.

Choose Blue Buff If:

  • Your team composition revolves around frequent spell usage.
  • You need to maximize Kindred’s ability damage and crowd control potential.
  • The game has shifted to the late stages where ability casting becomes more critical.

Case Studies: Buff Usage in Action:

Red Buff Kindred Example:

In a match against a Soraka-based healing comp, a player chose Red Buff for Kindred. This allowed Kindred to apply a burn effect that reduced healing significantly. The extra damage from Red Buff helped the player’s team secure victory by outlasting their opponents in a prolonged fight.

Blue Buff Kindred Example:

In a separate game, a team focused on ability casting and rapid spell rotation. By equipping Kindred with Blue Buff, the player enabled Kindred to constantly dash and fire Dance of Arrows, providing a continuous source of damage and crowd control, leading to a swift win.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Buffs for Kindred:

  • Overlooking Opponent’s Strengths: If you ignore the composition of your enemy team, you could end up with a suboptimal buff choice.
  • Ignoring Team Synergy: Always consider how your buff choice will interact with your team's traits and synergy.
  • Sticking with One Buff for the Entire Game: The game state evolves, so be flexible and re-evaluate your choice during mid-game to ensure you're still making the optimal decision.


Q1. Is Blue Buff always better for Kindred if I focus on abilities?
Answer: Yes, Blue Buff significantly enhances Kindred’s ability usage, allowing for more frequent casting of her powerful spells. It's especially useful in spell-based comps.

Q2. When should I prioritize Red Buff for Kindred?
Answer: Prioritize Red Buff when facing teams with strong healing champions or if your strategy focuses on enhancing basic attack damage for sustained pressure.

Q3. Can Kindred perform well without any buff?
Answer: While Kindred can still perform well without buffs, the added benefits from Red or Blue Buff can significantly boost her damage output and effectiveness in fights, making it highly recommended to equip one.

Conclusion: Master Your Kindred Buff Strategy

Choosing between Red and Blue Buffs for Kindred in TFT is more than just a matter of preference—it requires careful consideration of your team’s strategy, the state of the game, and your opponents’ strengths. By mastering the nuances of both buffs, you’ll be well-equipped to make the right choice and secure more victories in TFT.

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