Infor WFM Vandy: A New Era of Workforce Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Infor WFM Vandy: A New Era of Workforce Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Key Takeaways:

  • Infor WFM Vandy is the rebranded and enhanced version of VandyWorks, offering improved scheduling, time-off management, and shift trading functionalities.
  • The new platform brings a more intuitive interface, enhanced mobile access, and advanced reporting and analytics capabilities to help managers make data-driven decisions.
  • Integration with HR and payroll systems improves data accuracy and minimizes errors.
  • The system prioritizes data security and compliance, with features like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for added protection.
  • Comprehensive training and support will be provided to ensure a smooth transition to the new platform.


Infor Workforce Management (WFM) Vandy, formerly known as VandyWorks, is the revamped and enhanced workforce management system at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC). For nearly two decades, VandyWorks has served as a reliable platform for scheduling, time off management, and shift trading. However, starting in 2024, VandyWorks will transition into Infor WFM, bringing advanced features, modern technology, and enhanced integration capabilities to the forefront. This upgrade aims to improve user experience, optimize workforce scheduling, and streamline operational efficiency across the medical center.

What Is Infor WFM Vandy?

Infor WFM Vandy is a cloud-based workforce management platform designed to streamline the scheduling and management of staff across multiple departments at VUMC. The system retains the core functionalities of VandyWorks, such as self-scheduling, time-off requests, and shift trading, while introducing new features like enhanced mobile access, integration with other systems, and improved reporting and analytics capabilities. The transition to Infor WFM marks a significant step forward in how VUMC handles its workforce, particularly for nursing and non-nursing departments.

Key Features of Infor WFM Vandy:

1. Self-Scheduling:

A key feature of Infor WFM is the ability for employees to manage their own schedules through self-scheduling. This feature gives staff greater control over their work-life balance, allowing them to select shifts that suit their needs while ensuring sufficient coverage in the department.

2. Time Off Requests:

Infor WFM Vandy simplifies the process of requesting and managing time off. The platform makes it easy for employees to submit time-off requests and for managers to approve or adjust these requests in real-time. This transparency helps avoid scheduling conflicts and ensures that departments are appropriately staffed.

3. Shift Trading:

The system allows staff to trade shifts effortlessly, supporting greater flexibility. Whether due to personal needs or last-minute changes, the shift trading function helps employees find coverage without compromising department efficiency.

4. Mobile Access:

One of the major upgrades in Infor WFM is enhanced mobile access. Employees can now manage their schedules, request time off, and trade shifts from their mobile devices. This functionality is ideal for staff members who are frequently on the go or do not have consistent access to a desktop computer.

5. Enhanced Reporting and Analytics:

With advanced reporting features, managers can gain deeper insights into workforce performance. From tracking labor costs to monitoring staffing levels and attendance patterns, Infor WFM helps in making data-driven decisions that improve overall operational efficiency.

6. Integration with Other Systems:

Infor WFM integrates seamlessly with other systems within VUMC, such as HR and payroll systems. This integration ensures that data is accurately shared across departments, reducing errors and manual data entry, and enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

7. Data Security and Compliance:

Infor WFM Vandy emphasizes data security and compliance, adhering to industry standards to protect sensitive information. Features like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) ensure that access to the system is secure, especially when logging in from outside VUMC’s network.

Transition from VandyWorks to Infor WFM:

1. Rebranding and New Web Address:

As part of the transition, VandyWorks will be renamed to Infor Workforce Management (WFM) in 2024. The system will also have a new web address,, which users must update in their bookmarks. Clinical Workstation desktop icons will be updated to reflect the new platform.

2. Training and Support:

To ease the transition, VUMC has developed a comprehensive training program titled “VandyWorks Workforce Management Cloud Migration 2024.” Users will have access to online courses and tutorials through the Learning Exchange, helping them get familiar with the new system’s features. Support teams will also be available to address any questions during the migration process.

3. Minimal Functional Changes:

While the system’s interface and functionality have been enhanced, the core features that users are familiar with—like scheduling, time-off requests, and shift trading—remain largely unchanged. This ensures a smooth transition without requiring users to relearn basic operations.

Enhanced User Experience and Future Enhancements:

The rebranding to Infor WFM comes with significant improvements in user experience, including a more intuitive interface and streamlined navigation. The system is also designed with scalability in mind, making it easier to incorporate future technological advancements and innovations.

1. Customization and Flexibility:

Infor WFM offers more advanced customization options than its predecessor. Managers can set custom scheduling rules and workflows that cater to the unique needs of their department, making it easier to handle complex scheduling requirements.

2. Improved Usability:

The platform’s usability has been significantly enhanced, with a modern design that allows for easier task management. Whether users are requesting time off, viewing schedules, or managing shifts, the new interface is designed for simplicity and efficiency.

3. Support for Future Enhancements:

Infor WFM is designed to accommodate future enhancements, ensuring that the system can evolve alongside the changing needs of VUMC. Users can expect ongoing updates that will further improve functionality and performance.

FAQs About Infor WFM Vandy:

Q1. What is Infor WFM Vandy?

Answer: Infor WFM Vandy is the newly rebranded version of VandyWorks, the workforce management system used at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for scheduling, time off requests, and shift management.

Q2. How is Infor WFM different from VandyWorks?

Answer: While Infor WFM retains the core features of VandyWorks, it introduces enhancements such as improved mobile access, integration with other systems, and advanced reporting and analytics capabilities.

Q3. How do I access Infor WFM Vandy?

Answer: Users can access Infor WFM Vandy through the new web address: Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required for secure access.

Q4. Will there be training for Infor WFM?

Answer: Yes, VUMC has created a dedicated training program, “VandyWorks Workforce Management Cloud Migration 2024,” to help users transition smoothly to Infor WFM. The training is available through the Learning Exchange.

Q5. Are there any major functional changes?

Answer: No, the core functionalities of VandyWorks—such as self-scheduling, time-off requests, and shift trading—remain largely unchanged. However, users will benefit from an enhanced interface and additional features.


The transition from VandyWorks to Infor Workforce Management (WFM) Vandy marks a significant step forward in how Vanderbilt University Medical Center manages its workforce. While maintaining the core features that made VandyWorks effective, Infor WFM introduces new functionalities that enhance user experience, improve scheduling flexibility, and streamline workforce management. With its modern interface, mobile accessibility, advanced reporting capabilities, and seamless integration with other systems, Infor WFM is designed to meet the evolving needs of VUMC.

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