Best Sandpaper for Suede: A Complete Guide to Restoring Your Suede Items

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Best Sandpaper for Suede: A Complete Guide to Restoring Your Suede Items

Key Takeaways:

  • Use very fine grit sandpaper (240-400 grit) for suede care.
  • Sandpaper can effectively remove scuffs, stains, and matted areas.
  • Proper technique is crucial to avoid damaging the suede.
  • Alternative tools include suede brushes and erasers for gentler cleaning.


Suede is known for its luxurious, soft texture, often found in shoes, jackets, and furniture. However, maintaining suede can be challenging as it is prone to scuffs, stains, and wear over time. While brushes and erasers are common tools for suede care, using sandpaper can be an effective and unconventional method to restore its appearance. This article will guide you through selecting the best sandpaper for suede, how to use it, and alternative tools you can consider.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Suede and Why is it Difficult to Clean?
  2. Why Use Sandpaper on Suede?
  3. Choosing the Best Sandpaper for Suede
  4. Step-by-Step Guide to Using Sandpaper on Suede
  5. Alternative Tools for Suede Care
  6. FAQs About Sandpaper and Suede Care
  7. Final Thoughts

1. What is Suede and Why is it Difficult to Clean?

Suede is a type of leather made from the underside of animal hides, typically cows, lambs, or goats. Its soft, velvety texture is the result of buffing or sanding the flesh side of the leather. While beautiful, suede is delicate and prone to stains, scuffs, and matting, making it difficult to clean without damaging the material.

Suede's nap, or the raised fibers that give it its texture, can easily become flattened, worn, or stained. Regular maintenance is essential to preserve suede's luxurious look, but traditional cleaning methods can sometimes fall short, especially when dealing with deep stains or scratches.

2. Why Use Sandpaper on Suede?

Using sandpaper on suede may seem unconventional, but when applied with care, it can restore suede’s texture and appearance. Sandpaper is particularly effective in addressing the following issues:

  • Scuffs and scratches: Sandpaper can gently buff away imperfections, helping restore the suede's soft texture.
  • Stains: For stubborn stains that resist brushing or cleaning with a suede eraser, sandpaper can lift the dirt and renew the nap.
  • Flattened or shiny areas: Suede can become shiny or matted in high-use areas, such as on shoes or furniture. Light sanding can revive the nap, restoring its soft, velvety texture.

3. Choosing the Best Sandpaper for Suede:

Not all sandpapers are suitable for suede care. Using a grit that is too coarse can damage the material. Here’s what to consider when choosing the best sandpaper for suede:

Grit Levels:

  • Fine grit (150-220): Use cautiously, as this grit is suitable for very light buffing.
  • Very fine grit (240-400): The best choice for suede restoration. This grit is gentle enough to remove scuffs and stains without damaging the material.
  • Ultra-fine grit (500-800): Ideal for finishing touches to smooth the suede after sanding.

Best Types of Sandpaper for Suede:

  • Aluminum Oxide Sandpaper: This versatile sandpaper is gentle enough for polishing suede and works well for light sanding.
  • Silicon Carbide Sandpaper: Known for precision, silicon carbide sandpaper in the 400-600 grit range is excellent for finer suede work.
  • Garnet Sandpaper: Softer and well-suited for suede, garnet sandpaper is a good option for gentle sanding in finer grits (240-400).
  • Wet/Dry Sandpaper: Can be used with water for a more delicate sanding process, reducing friction and heat to minimize damage.

4. Step-by-Step Guide to Using Sandpaper on Suede:

Proper technique is essential when using sandpaper on suede. Follow these steps to safely and effectively restore your suede items:

Materials Needed:

  • Very fine sandpaper (240-400 grit)
  • Suede brush
  • Clean cloth
  • Optional: Suede protector spray

Step 1: Clean the Surface

Before using sandpaper, use a suede brush to remove surface dirt and dust from your suede item.

Step 2: Test on a Hidden Area

Always test the sandpaper on an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t damage the suede. This will help you gauge how much pressure to apply.

Step 3: Gently Sand the Suede

Using very fine sandpaper, gently buff the scuffed or stained area. Move the sandpaper in a circular motion with light pressure. Avoid excessive force, as this could damage the suede fibers.

Step 4: Wipe Away Residue

After sanding, use a clean cloth to remove any dust or residue.

Step 5: Restore the Nap

Once sanding is complete, use a suede brush to lift the fibers and restore the nap, bringing the soft texture back to the material.

Step 6: Apply Suede Protector (Optional)

To protect your suede from future stains and wear, consider applying a suede protector spray. This adds a protective layer and makes future cleaning easier.

5. Alternative Tools for Suede Care:

If you prefer not to use sandpaper, or if the damage is minimal, there are gentler tools for maintaining and restoring suede:

  • Suede Eraser: A specialized tool designed for removing small scuffs and stains without damaging the suede.
  • Suede Brush: Perfect for routine maintenance, a suede brush helps lift dirt and restore the nap.
  • Nail File: For smaller scuffs, a fine-grit nail file can be used to buff out imperfections.
  • Steam Cleaning: Softens suede fibers and helps restore the nap, especially in high-use areas where the suede may become matted.

6. FAQs About Sandpaper and Suede Care:

Q1. Can I use coarse sandpaper on suede?

Answer: No, coarse sandpaper (below 150 grit) can damage the delicate surface of suede. Always use very fine grit sandpaper (240-400 grit) to prevent harm.

Q2. How often should I use sandpaper on suede?

Answer: Sanding suede should be a last resort for tough stains and scuffs. Regular maintenance, such as brushing, should be the primary method of care. Sanding should only be done occasionally.

Q3. What grit is best for suede?

Answer: Very fine grit sandpaper, typically in the 240-400 range, is best for safely restoring suede without damaging the fibers.

Q4. Can I use a power sander on suede?

Answer: No, power sanders apply too much pressure and heat, which can ruin the delicate texture of suede.

7. Final Thoughts:

Using sandpaper on suede may seem unconventional, but when done carefully, it can effectively remove scuffs, stains, and matted areas. The key is to use very fine grit sandpaper (240-400 grit) and follow proper techniques to avoid damaging the material. Remember, sandpaper should be used sparingly, and always try gentler cleaning methods first, such as a suede brush or eraser. With the right approach, you can keep your suede items looking luxurious and pristine for years to come.

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